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(Before I tell you where I’ve been let me just bounce excitedly about my debut single, Red Goddess, Come – out this week. Listen here! )

A green lady made of branches, cloaked in red, in a red and yellow big top with the sun shining in through the open doorway behind her.

It’s been a few years, as one would expect, since we’ve gathered at Druid Camp, and this year it returned to the world in a Welsh venue not too far from me. Pembrokeshire was very wet, but that’s rather the price we pay for such a gorgeous green land.

Hazel Bird - storyteller with a big beard - stood and lit by firelight.

Druid Camp has become a place where I find myself at home. Despite the rain, or maybe because of the utterly un-ignorable nature of nature, including the rain, it is a space set aside from the world where community happens. There is often storytelling and music around the fire, and this year local storyteller Hazel Bird shared epic tales including Gawain and the Green Knight, and how Albion got its name.

Oh, and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Which Jos and I cheekily did a version of in 5 minutes for the Eisteddfod. And yes, there is a video… link coming soon! I also got to see Milly Jackdaw‘s show, Mochyn Merddyn, and bands including Mad Magdelen and Seize the Day!

I offered two workshops, rooted in the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin, journeying into connection with our own Awen, and then skills for trusting our own storytelling and ritual ability. As humans we are storytelling beings, and we are spirit manifest. When you anchor the story in your body, trust yourself, and breathe in deep… the magic flows.

It was a delight to come back to this space and remember what it’s like to be in community with other like-minded folk, to learn and the share with each other. Between the Seed SistaAs herbal preparations and “Poison prescriptions” classes I found myself feeling empowered to really engage with the plant spirits of this land, not just sharing space but actively working with them. I’ve dabbled before, but their witchy reminders that we are not dependent on anyone else to be our own herbal healers (with caveats that we need to be sure on our identification skills!) reminded me that this is one of the areas I still give my power away out of uncertainty. Well, no more of that.

A heart shaped window framing sunny blue sky and the tops of trees

In the Ritual Crafting workshop with Penny and Jos we explored memories of ritual and shared inspirations for deepening our seasonal celebrations and magic. There was tarot in the café, and music every night, and the big ritual ended up being that initiatory journey through the Welsh realms into Awen – the birth of Taliesin, the emergence of the Bard who serves and is seen in return.

In community we offer our gifts, receive and give and support and guide in return. You might not always know how you’ve helped, but that’s part of the brew. Pour it in and share it out and let the love flow.

I feel deeply nourished, and not just by the amazing work of the café and site crew looking after the practicalities, cleaning the loos, and making food I could eat with ease and delight. So much gratitude.

I’ve been to several Druid Camps before, but this time around I’m in a much better place in myself, and it showed in people’s responses to my presence and offerings. Over the past few years I’ve found a sense of trust in myself that I didn’t have before, and a chance conversation right at the start of Camp solidified this into a shining light in my heart. Suddenly I felt seen.

And here’s the thing about trusting yourself… about finding that sense of presence and rooting into your personal power… like Taliesin who shone so brightly he was named “shining brow”, your light shines out into the world and people feel it.

Part of this comes from a feeling of being at home in your body, as a child of the earth.

Part of this comes from feeling deep into your core and the fire of love and desire that guides you.

And part of this comes from finding your voice, speaking your truth.

Coming home, rooting deep, and letting the Awen flow.

Given that I used to freeze with stage fright when speaking to just two people at once, and now I’m making a crowd of druids laugh with a story learned that afternoon, I’d say I’ve learned to stand in my presence, step into my power, and shine with my own radiant light, wouldn’t you?

I’m not just a witch, rooted in my own power, I’m a bard, a storyteller, and a Priestess, sharing that light with others to re-enchant the world, and holding space to empower people to step into their own light too. And that, that right there, delights my heart. Does that make me a Druid, too?

Does this magic call to you too? Join me for the Lammas retreat this Sunday:

Radiance, Power, and Presence.

Sunday 6th August ’23 – 6-9pm BST (UK time)

Re-light your self love through courting Divine Love and the magic of the land.

This Lammas tune into the Sun’s power and conjure your own radiance.

Join us and learn how to:

~ strengthen your radiance,

~ deepen your power,

~ and boost your sensual confidence.

You were made for pleasure, for play, for love. All you need do is say yes.

Come join me on the eve of my birthday (yes, I’m a Leo) and find your inner sunshine.

Button for Crimson Craft Retreat - Radiance, Power, and Presence - 6th August 6-9pm BST - red background with golden field pictured in a circle.