
‘Halo is indeed a healer with her stories. Words of encouragement and relevance came at a vulnerable moment and gave me much reassurance. Stories were always the way societies helped their members understand where they came from and connected the present to the past, how we learnt from our ancestors. This art has been lost along with our connection. Halo is preserving something priceless and very powerful that could otherwise be lost’.


The Magic of Story

The fire is lit, the stage is set, a hush descends…

Images dance round the room, coloured forms leaping  in the shadows as the storyteller steps forwards and begins the tale…

Stories are important. They shape our sense of self, our relationships, our thoughts, our actions. Whether told through ink-marks on the page, words in the air, or colourful shapes, stories can change our lives. They can show us worlds we’ve never seen, teach us of people long dead and guide us on the road ahead.

There is something magical about art of all kinds, it can lead us down the rabbit hole and heal our hearts.

I’m a born performer and love nothing more than to be sharing stories, true and beautiful, with you. So here I am.

Book me here

Find some of my storytelling on YouTube:

“Halo shares folklore stories with great skill. She engages the audience with tales of magic, enchantment, and fayerie wisdom. With a splash of humour, Halo guides the listener on a journey of wonderment, taking us deep within the earths mysteries – leaving us wanting more. A truly lovely storyteller.”

Melanie Godfrey

The Faery Doctor is in.

Pop up storytelling with a medicinal twist.

“Tell me what ails and I’ll tell you a tale.”

Stories told to individuals and small groups who approach the Doctor – or who are lured in by Maurice the Gryphon.

An unusual addition to any event.

The Goblin Circus

Halo has regularly enchanted audiences with the Goblin Circus, an all ages one-woman-many-goblin storytelling show.

Imagine a Big Top held in an acorn.

Imagine a circus that is home to many fairytale characters.

Imagine a show held by invisible, friendly, goblins…

The Goblin Circus is what happens when fairytales don’t quite end as you expect… when the wolf is the girl, and they both need a new home… and a storyteller takes up the top hat and tails of a ringleader.

Tales after Dark

For adult audiences only.

Tales dripping with innuendo and grown-up themes…

Stories to make you chuckle and blush.

Somewhat lewd but rarely crude…

Because not all stories are for children and there’s pleasure in something naughty, just for us… after dark.


Halo is a versatile storyteller with a background in theatre and running events as well as telling tales, and would be delighted to add an extra sparkle of magic to your event.

Stories offered for steampunk, fantasy, pagan, and general audiences. Myths, fairytales, and creative re-imaginings a speciality.

Please specify the nature of your event and expected age range of the audience when enquiring.

And collaborative shows include…

Thereby Hangs a Tale with Milly Jackdaw & Halo Quin – where Shakespeare meets Folktales from around the world!

Finding the Folktale Roots of Bardic Inspiration with Milly Jackdaw & Halo Quin. Over the eons Shakespeare’s tales have retained their relevance, capitalising on our fascination with watching our own stories amplified that we may better understand ourselves. Could it be that Shakespeare found inspiration from some of the earliest explorations of key themes in already existing stories? Could myths and folktales have played their part?

Storytellers Milly Jackdaw and Halo Quin have been uncovering tales, including some from Welsh myth, that hold tantalising hints that this may indeed be the case.

In the tradition of the great bards of old, we call Shakespeare into conversation with the folktales that shine through his work, baring the bones of stories that take us to the heart of inspiration. We unpick colourful threads from plays and tales, reweaving them in the place where traditional storytelling meets theatre. If folktales be the food of the Bard, tell on.

Here for Fantastical Events? Find the Goblin Masquerade in Borth, Ceredigion here.

The Storyteller’s Story

Once upon a time, a long way away, a small girl emerged from the trees where she’d been conferring with faeries and practised her magicians’ patter on a watchful audience, thus beginning a lifelong fascination with performing, stories and magic! Before long she had traded top-hats for puppets and then puppets for music and music for the stage. Throughout it all the Faeries whispered, go here. Try this. Ask them… and stories gathered like a flock of birds looking for somewhere to roost.

One day, she woke up and realised that stories followed her and spilled from her lips in response to every moment. They called her into adventures and wrapped her up at home. They poured form her pen and her paintbrush. Stories of love and loss, adventure and coming home. Fighting and feasting and courage and being just enough. True stories and half stories and stories barely recalled… That day was the day her story changed, for she learnt for the first time that the sacred title belonged to her. Storyteller.

I have told tales in in an Iron Age roundhouse…

I have bewitched audiences in improvised performances…

I have enchanted bardic circles…

I have sung songs on stage of love and dragons…

I have woven webs of wonder and carried audiences to faeryland and back again!

I was once terrified of being seen, of any kind of stage. The child that spent hours practising magic tricks and ventriloquism grew up into a teen that froze and cried in front of just two people! I’ve worked hard to undo that knot, to unweave the web of terror so I could leap on stage with an audience of 100 as easily as an audience of five. It began with shakily sharing my paintings with a friend and has included proudly performing at short notice before conference delegates, singing for a Bardic circle, performing poetry at a boat club and more. My art has been exhibited in several (small but mighty) venues and continues to enchant those that see it.

Iron Age Storytelling

Will you join me on my next big adventure? See me at…

About the Bard: As a storyteller, Halo has told tales across Britain, worked in living history as an iron age bard, created a delightful “one-woman-many-goblin” show; The Goblin Circus, and runs Fables, a local storytelling circle in her home county of Ceredigion. She specialises in myths, legends, and fairytales, and is often seen wandering an event with dragon or gryphon in tow.

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