Tarot & Oracle Readings


Looking for guidance? Clarity? Understanding? A glimpse of the forces at play in your life?

I can help.

I started reading Tarot aged 11, and haven’t stopped since. When the response is regularly:

“How did you know that?”

I figure I’m doing something right.

If you’re here, you want to hear from Spirit. From the magic in the world, from your deepest self, from your guides and guardians.

I can help.

Choose from 3 options:

A Reading

In Person: I read tarot in Aberystwyth, on the first Wednesday of each month. Standard sessions are around 30 minutes long, and I offer gift-vouchers and longer “Year-Ahead” readings on request.

Online: If you’re not local you can request a long distance reading… Here!

Halo is a member of the Tarot Association of the British Isles, view their certificate here.

Button - tarot reading with Halo - Gift Voucher

Buy a gift voucher to give the gift of clarity this Winter!

Choose from:

  • General Reading – £25
  • Year Ahead Reading – £40

Available online in video call, audio, or written formats.

A Workshop

You can join a workshop and learn to read tarot intuitively yourself, strengthening your own intuition and knowledge in the process. Join my mailing list to hear when dates are announced.

Join The Coven

If you Join the Coven at The Enchanted Academy, you get access to monthly live community calls, which include a community tarot or oracle reading, guided energy work, and the opportunity to ask questions and get direct support in your magical journey. (And yes, the recording too!)

I love Oracles so much I made my own. I’ve had a great deal of success reading for both friends and strangers, as you can see:

“when I first read your reading it literally sent shivers down my spine – it was as if you had seen inside me and were uncovering a hidden purpose or course. I was a bit blown away and stopped for a moment to wonder about it only to be caught back up in the maelstrom which is life and to be carried along again like a dandelion bloom. Re-reading this reading I need to write it out and have it as my motto on the wall to continually remind myself not to go with the flow but to resonate at my own depth and speed.”

~ G. W.

The Process:

What will the cards reveal?
What will the cards reveal?

What should I ask?

The kinds of questions I have been asked include:

What does the year ahead hold for me?

What will give me strength for the year ahead?

What is in store in the future for my business/relationship/finances/homelife?

How do I get unstuck from this situation?!

What direction should I be heading in?

Am I on the right path for me?

I want to achieve x, what is the best way for me to do that?

Tell me about my health.

What do I need to know?

The best questions are open, allowing for a descriptive response. If a question is unsuitable I will let you know and we can discover the best way to ask for what you need to know.

The FeyHearted Oracle;

You can also request a reading with my FeyHearted Oracle, a deck I created myself with guidance from the spirits. I also listen to guidance from the Fae, the Spirits and the Gods so if they have a message for you you will get that too!

FeyHearted Oracle

LEGAL NOTICE: Readings are for entertainment purposes only. What you do with the information presented to you is entirely your choice. No-one can tell you what is in store for you for definite.

PERSONAL NOTICE: I cannot advise on legal or medical matters. I can tell you what I see in the cards and hear from the spirit world and will help you to reframe your question if it is unsuitable. It is then up to you what you do with that information and I am not responsible for your actions based on the reading. I work to be as ethical as possible and my goal is to help you find the clarity you seek.

2 thoughts on “Tarot & Oracle Readings”

  1. The deck is lovely. Evocative imagery. Enchanting, even.


  2. Thank you Satia 🙂 It was a pleasure to make and has been enchanting to use. I hope that others find it to be so too!


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