Meet Halo

Dr. Halo Quin.

Author, storyteller, witch.

Hi, I’m Halo, and I’m a Dr of philosophy, an enchantress, and a changeling bard. If that sounds like fun, then know you can live a magical life too.

I’m also a practicing witch of *mumble mumble* years who knows that the world is magical, and that we are here for more beauty, pleasure, and play than we even imagine.

My witchcraft is Red, meaning it’s rooted in embodiment, devotion, and relationship, and guided by the Queen of Faery and the deities of Love and Passion… so it’s blissful, honestly.

My books include “Gods and Goddesses of Wales”, “Folktales, Faeries, & Spirits”, “Crimson Craft – sexual magic for the solo witch”. (Books!)

I’m a singer-songwriter crafting magical music.

And I’m here to help magical, neurodivergent people, and other wonderfully wyrd misfits, experience life as magical.

Through performance, books, art, and teaching, I draw on 25+ years of magical experience to encourage self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-healing, and self-enchantment for the wonderful, magical, wyrd folk of this realm. (That includes you.)

In this way, together, we re-enchant the world. If you’ve felt that kiss of magic and long for more… you’re in the right place.

My work is rooted in embodiment and love, guided by the gods, the spirits, and the divinely erotic power of Life.

black and white picture of a femme person in white, with white top hat, sat on a wall with a mini gryphon snuggled on their shoulder.

Magical things I’ve done

Over the years I’ve taught workshops and classes, given talks online and in person, organised retreats and witchcamps, mini-festivals, bardic circles, and rituals, facilitated more rituals than I can count, shared magic through storytelling, dance, and theatre, run a circus made of goblins and fairytales… and had published half a shelf of books. Oh, and I’m in at least one Spanish language documentary talking about faeries. Have some buttons if you’d like to read more.

My life, simply put, is brimming with magic, and not just in the work I do. I’ve dedicated my self to magic and the Craft, and so I weave wonder and enchantment through every day of my life. I highly recommend it. In fact, I want this for everyone who has ever dreamed life could be this way, or ever wished it was. It’s not always easy as it calls us to claim our power and our responsibility, but it is so very worthwhile.

Me in 'Diary of a Sorceress'
That’s me… magic is serious business!

A True Story…

Halo dancing in the snow, long red coat twirling

Once upon a time a lonely child escaped from the taunts of the other children that always echoed in her ears, and found herself in a field of flowers where they would not follow, her tears watering the soil. She watched them fall, glinting in the sunlight. Sparkling in the flowers. She looked closer. That was not just teardrops sparkling… that was a silver ring full of stars.

She looked and looked for its owner, asked and asked for where it belonged, but no-one claimed it.

And then, as she wondered what to do with it, a tall, kindly gentleman with curly red hair and a voice that rumbled like thunder appeared. He told her that it was a gift for her from the Fair Folk, before loping away… and so the starlit circle found it’s home on her finger, and their magic found a home in her heart.

From that day on she knew that she could always find sanctuary in the magic that wove between the realms, and she found company with the strange hidden folk of the land.

But the years went by and sometimes, for a time, the song of the stars fell silent, the woodland sprites would hide their faces, and the world seemed hard and cold. So she decided to learn how to keep the enchantment returning… she chose a life of magic, beauty, and delight.

Such a precious gift cannot be kept hidden away, and she knew that others felt it too, so often just beyond reach. That her people were out there, longing to live an enchanted life and just not knowing quite how…

And so the lonely child, heart full of magic, grew up into an Enchantress.

An Enchantress who casts many spells.

An Enchantress named Halo.

4 thoughts on “Meet Halo”

  1. Nice to ‘Meet’ you x


  2. Love your little Imbolic dotee.


  3. I love your site. Keep it up !


  4. hi honey your drawings are just beautiful, hope you are keeping well havent forgotten your pendulum will give it to paul love and blessings pinky
